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Private Facebook Group

We run a private members-only Facebook Group, which operates under a strict Code of Conduct about what can be posted.

We want our Facebook Group to be a safe space where members can ask questions and discuss matters that affect their daily struggle of living with ME. This online group can be a lifeline to people bed and housebound and therefore cut-off from other sources of contact. We ask that you support this section of our community as best you can.

If you would like to join our group, you need to first be a member of the charity: Join Us

You can visit our group website by clicking on "Go to HFwME Facebook Group" button located on the right panel.

The Committee can't add members to the group until they request to join. We screen all joining requests to make sure that only members are added (or carers / partners specifically nominated by members). You will therefore see a series of questions should automatically come up when you ask to join. Don't worry about this - we really only need your name so that we can trace you to our membership database and thereby verify you are a "real" person.

Code of Conduct

The Hampshire Friends with M.E Facebook Group provides a forum for social links with other members for contact, information and support. Our aim is to provide a platform for friendship and fun as well as support.

We do not want members feel obliged to do things, try things, sign up to things or in any way do more than what they are doing now.

To ensure that members feel safe within this group, we ask that you abide by the following rules:


• Post information designed to promote a business or service that is not connected with ME/CFS
• Post advertisements for any paid business or service
• Post anything advocating suicide and self-harm
• Post online Campaigns or Petitions
• Post Party Political information or statements
• Post anything sexually explicit
• Post anything to promote criminal behaviour

As we wish for a stress-free, fun-filled group we are against any form of bullying. So we ask that members follow our anti-cyber-bullying policy and the following guidelines:


• Make aggressive or rude comments
• Harass any member
• Be negative about an individual member
• Make racist or sexually explicit comments

If a member is in any doubt whether a post could contravene the rules, he or she is welcome to contact a Facebook group administrator in advance for guidance.

If a member has a complaint they should contact the Membership Secretary (membership@friendswithme.org.uk). An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent and a full response given within two weeks.

A Facebook administrator has the authority to take down posts or threads that break the above rules and take members out of the group for a month. Further infractions will result in permanent removal from the group. They will inform the Membership Secretary of their actions and the member can appeal to the Committee about the decision. The Committee will review the administrator’s decision and respond within ten days. The Committee’s decision is final.

Please do not block Admin for any reasons.